Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hunter Tactics Pt 1 - Heal My Pet

I have enjoyed a great few weeks of running heroics. UK, UP, CoS, Gundrak, etc etc. Lots of lovely loot, big power ups and great fun. Last night in particular cheered me up because for the first time ever I unleased my evil side, Mwahahahah!!!!

A friend and I agreed to assist what appeared to be a decent enough group with a Gundrak heroic run. Things all seemed to happen as they should until the first boss, at which point my beautiful wolf DancesWith was killed to death during the fight and I am ashamed to say I didn't notice /Gasp!

Now I know that as a fully specced BM hunter it is my responsibility to take care of by fluffy friend and the fact that he died is ultimately my fault. No argument at all. I was a first class huntard.

So I checked out Recount and discovered that my hirsute playmate had received no healing. Thats right NO healing. Not from me and not from our Lvl 80 Resto Drood in full epics. Being the polite fella that I am I whispered to my tree brother and asked that he include DancesWith in his rotation. He of course agreed.

He then totally ignored me.

So I spent the rest of the run healing up DancesWith on my own and taking him in and out of fights as needed in order to keep him alive.

And so to the last boss. Now all through the run I had made full and proper use of MD on the MT, but as we worked through the pre-boss trash an evil idea took root and ultimately I couldn't help myself ---- I MD'd the healer before the pull, then stood back and LOL'd as the squishy got well and truly stomped. Man, you should have heard the pillock squeak, he went ballistic and ranted away in Pchat.

When I explained to the party what I had done and why, they laughed too which didn't help at all and at one point the Drood threatened to leave the party. He calmed down in the end as he wanted the achievement. On the plus side he healed the nuts of my wolf on the last boss.

As much as I would like to take credit for this idea as an independant thought I can't, its not a new idea. Originally I read about it on another blog. Hey ho, it was still a laugh.

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