Friday, June 5, 2009

To Raid or not to Raid, that is the question…..

With apologies to the immortal bard for pinching his line but this is the situation I find myself in at the moment.

I have fully explored Northrend, have only two heroics left to do (Halls of Stone and Occulus) and am within 30 quests of achieving Loremaster of Northrend. In other words I am approaching the point where there is nothing more to do, odd achievements aside, apart from raiding Naxx and Ulduar and this gives me some concerns of the ‘what next?’ variety. So what are my options?..........

One option is continue as I am and set myself some personal objectives like getting all of the non-raid BiS items or acquire money to the point where I can buy a gaggle of epic and unusual mounts or collect an example of every Leatherworking recipe ever invented. errrm dull, dull, dull, dull, dull.

I could go back to the beginning and clear all of the stuff that I missed when I originally levelled. Would it be dignified to see a level 80 toon running around Wailing Caverns? Actually this idea might offer a little light relief /consider

I could just call it a day where I am and concentrate on levelling my drood alt, which I have been promising to do for soooooo long, and just do daily’s on my main to finance other activities. Problem with that is that first, I would miss out on a huge amount of game content, second, it feels like a bit of a kop out and third of course, I am at heart a hunter so putting my main to one side would be a hard, hard, thing to do.

I could decide to have a go at this raiding malarkey but to do so I would either have to try and pug some runs or jump guilds with my main and look for a raiding guild to take me in because my current guild only has 3 level 80 characters. Trouble is I have never previously bothered with raiding, mainly because I have felt uncertain as to whether I could give it the commitment that it needs and the last thing I want to do is be unreliable and so inconvenience my raid mates. If I am honest, I still feel a bit that way /sigh.

Another option is to try and expand my guild until we have enough players to form our own 10 mans. I can't describe how much like hard work that idea sounds so bugger it.

I guess I shall just have to think about this some more and if all else fails I could always………….start a Death Knight!!!!

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