Tuesday, April 28, 2009

That Damned Elusive.....

Well it was my 15th run through Utgarde Keep on heroic last night and guess what?

The Drake-Mounted Crossbow failed to drop yet again. We had a real good pug, I was the only hunter in the group, I achieved my personal best dps to date of 1783, I passed on just about every thing else (rolled greed on a helm). So the question is what the hell do I need to do?

It seems the Warcraft gods just don't want me to have that bow. Well I'll be damned if I admit defeat and go for the Nesingwary 4000, I am a Night Elf not a Dwarf. I shall just stock up on more Saronite Razorheads and have another go.

Stiff upper lip and all that.

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