Wednesday, April 29, 2009

That was different

I ran UK heroic tonight - again. The Drake-Mounted Crossbow didn't drop - again.

The pug looked good at the beginning. Arms Warrior, Holy Priest, Blood DK, Lock and me. We ran in, buffed up and made a start. First mobs down no problem. Into the dragon pens and wipe. Rez. Wipe. Rez. Finally get through.

More mobs OK, then wipe. Sod me three wipes before the first boss. I couldn't believe it. The Death Nigget suggested we let him tank at which point I think our Arms Warrior must have got embarrassed cuz he left the group - I ain't never seen that before.

We all had to go repair before the first boss - I ain't never seen that before.

Fortunately we found a spare Ret Pally and with the DK tanking thereafter, cleared it easy.

hey oh! apart from an 8g repair bill nothing was injured but our pride.

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